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What do I Think

By Colin Butler

Rebecca Sanders has publicly announced her support of allowing Syrian refugees into America. She believes that our vetting program is strong enough and no bad apples will come in.  We cannot protect our country with her passive defense ideas. There is no way that we can weed out every bad apple; there is a good chance that one will get through. It doesn’t take an army of terrorists to kill thousands of people it takes only one Sanders. If we look at the Boston bombing both the suspects were immigrants and according to stories the younger brother especially showed no signs of anger or hate toward America until the bomb went off and had not connections to any terrorist organization, he would pass through our vetting system. If there was a chance that you invited a houseguest whose intent was to kill you would you do invite them in? Let’s build the Syrians safe zones in there home country. There is plenty of area that is not a battle zone. If there is a chance there is the possibility of thousands of dead Americans. Lets leave it to our trained men and women along with the army’s of Europe and surrounding countries to go into Syria and create safe zones. Lets not put it in the hand of unarmed and untrained Americans Sanders, let’s protect our people. 

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